Tuesday, November 01, 2011

NSN 2011

Well here we are again, another year of furry faces and a fun yearly tradition.

I think I may have received my first troll comment on the blog!

There's no such thing as "No Shave November". It's called Movember, and it's been around for years and years. Staging this fake nonsense during Movember would be like showing up to a breast cancer event in a t-shirt promoting colonoscopies.

It's Movember. Google it, learn it, do it right, and stop undermining the real one.
I've known about No Shave November just about as long (if not longer) than Movember has been around, and I personally think NSN brings more awareness to the Movember/charity movement during this month.

Are you participating this year?


Anonymous said...

I'm doing this right now and I have never, ever heard someone not online call it 'Movember'.

Stay cool guy

Eliza said...

Dear Luke,
My name is Eliza Merritt and my college prep writing class is working on another try at a No Shave November Wikipedia article. Is there any information you can tell us about the history and progress of N.S. November?

My email is girldetective.eliza@gmail.com.
Thank you!

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