Friday, November 21, 2008

Bearded Music for Bearded People

That is the motto for The Beards, a musical group that celebrates facial hair.

I would strongly suggest picking some music to help you through the month and to stay strong growing that hair, and what better music than that which was created with facial hair in mind.

From their Myspace:

The Beards are a bearded four-piece band who only play songs about beards and having beards. Onstage, The Beards preach about the virtues of having a beard with near-militant intensity. The audience will find itself divided as The Beards sing crowd favourites like Growing a Beard, Beard Revolution and No Beard, No Good. The beardless members of the crowd may find themselves singled out and chastised for their lack of facial hair, while those with beards may be brought onstage as an example of what having a beard is all about. But as hilarious as this oddball outfit are, they can be equally appreciated for their music.

Enjoy. (And please check out their music, it is very inspiring).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 16/17/18/19 - 2008

A little late on the posting of these.

You may notice my hair is a little flat in some of these photos, blame my recent wearing of hats.

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

A Lumberjack?

Watching the following video, what is missing?

He really isn't that burly without a beard, I think things may have turned out much better for him had he a beard.

Thanks to Dav for inspiration with this video/song.

No Shave November Article

Check out this article about No Shave November from commenter Eric Wilkens.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beard and Moustache Mannequins

Look at this collection of mannequin heads displaying beards and moustaches for sale. Just incase you don't think you'd be able to grow any facial hair, you can always just buy it.
