Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's underway

When I woke up this morning, I was very tired for some reason. Part of it might be that I ended up sleeping in a little longer than normal, and that always seems to make me more tired. But either way, when I realized that No Shave November had finally started I felt relieved and happy, which helped me wake up a little bit.

My normal routine is to shave immediately after showering, as the skin and hair on my face are quite moist (I shave with a razor). It was really nice to be able to just shower and get on with my day, plus I was running a little bit late anyways. So really, not shaving gives you more time in the day to do other things that are much more important. Wow, the more I think about it the pros side is much longer than the cons side of the No Shave November list.


Anonymous said...

Luke, did you know another word for 'hairy' is hirsute? It's a good word. Good luck. -mackenzie

Alex said...

If you want to get angry, check out .
Apparently the article has been deleted and protected to prevent re-creation! If you look at the "deletion log" it looks like somebody thought the article is "obviously a hoax." Can you believe it?